Jeg har KræftEnglish
Jeg har Kræft

My best advice

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1) If you feel afraid (of the disease, the future or otherwise), do something about it. Anxiety inhibits the immune system.

Read: "Dying to Be Me

- My Journey from Cancer, to Near Death, to True Healing" (10th Anniversary Edition)

(by Anita Moorjani)

Learn: Tapping (tool to control any kind of anxiety) Read: The Tapping Solution (by Nick Ortner)

Read: Radical Remission (by Kelly A. Turner)(strengthens the belief that you will make it )

2) Make sure to smile and laugh every day.

3) Practice gratitude.

4) Make sure you get the anti-cancer treatment that you are comfortable with. Consider supplementing with off-label medicines also called Repurposed drugs. Usually by prescription.

5) Get exercise and get out in nature every day (a park is ok). If nothing else, a little walk. If you can't walk, use dumbbells in front of an open window.

6) Take some selected supplements, including Boswellia, Curcumin, CBD, Garlic, Turkey Tale, Berberine, Green Tea, Resveratrol, Vitamin D and Quercetin. If you receive medical treatment - including conventional cancer treatment - there may be an interaction with this. Seek competent guidance or check it out here:

7) Avoid meat from 4-legged animals, sugar, smoking, alcohol and fast carbohydrates. Limit your intake of dairy products. Here are suggestions for the Diet.

8) Eat lots of vegetables and fruits.

9) Ensure good sleep (take melatonin for help if necessary).

10) If you feel anger, Forgive. Anger weakens your immune system.

11) Work with the breath

Look at Meditation or Mindfulness or Spirituality.

12) Consider the worst case scenario - so that the practicalities are in place and you no longer have to deal with it.

13) Join some Facebook groups where you can communicate with others in the same situation as you.

14) If this seems overwhelming, pick out the suggestions you like the best.

The fact that you yourself are doing something active to overcome the cancer means a dramatic reduction of stress in your body. This in itself will improve the prognosis for your life. In addition, there are the measures you choose to supplement with.

Decide that you are up to this challenge. Then you are already well on your way to the goal!

"You know that faith can move mountains, among other things, from people who suffer from Parkinson's. That the very belief in an effect of a medication can directly affect the patient's brain function." (Berlingske - see link below)

I wish you all the best.

Best regards


From book review by Anette Paulin, a hormone and nutrition expert

"What does a doctor do when he himself receives a serious diagnosis? He begins to take an interest in the independent research - the research he did not learn about in medical school - because now it is his own life that is at stake."

Read the entire review on Anette's Blog (

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Derfor kan tro flytte bjerge (Therefore faith can move mountains)(Berlingske)

Kender du til Stress (Do you know about Stress)(Sundhedsstyrelsen)

Stress og immunforsvaret (Stress and the immune system)(Life Consulting)

Stress og hvad det gør ved immunforsvaret (Stress and what it does to the immune system)(A. Vogel)

I'm not a doctor.

This is not a recommendation, but an expression of what I personally - as a cancer survivor - believe is essential.

Seek competent guidance.

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